why i'm doing this

this is a way i can get out my thoughts with out having to talk to people so a win win for everyone.

Friday, April 29, 2011

running sucks but i'm not lazy

so yeah i hate running its tiring and not fun and you may call me a fat lazy pig and you know that's ok because i AM a fat lazy pig but its not about that walking is fine i love walking i can go down a block over 60 times where i could go once or twice running (kinda a big block) is it just me? i don't know i think anyone would rater walk (with a good yogpod on or something) then run so why not tell me what is funner and gets you around better running or walking?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

evil is only in bad writing

ok so in real life there are bad people and good people but evil people i don't think so i mean you hear about people doing bad things but evil is like no good in you doing bad things not for a good reason or because you mind is fucked up like the joker hes evil but hes not real (sadly) i mean even Hitler was not evil he was bad one of the worst but not evil now that's not to say in movies evil people are bad writing (the title just sounds cool) i mean some of the best like joker James bound villeins and the like are great lets take a really good cartoon show avatar:the last air bender now zuko (think that's how its spelled) he trying to find the avatar so he father will love him once more he does bad things to get this but hes not evil he just wants love from his father (who is Hitler on crack btw) but his father is fucking evil like i said Hitler on crack he wants to take over the world (of course) just really to rule it him and his daughter are just plan evil his daughter a bit less so but its good to have evil and bad people in story's but in real life there's only bad.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

kids these days

i know this makes me sound old but i hate kids these days and i know some people might call me one but i hate them the whole face book twitter can't spell "me" right i mean if your a bad speller that's fine hell i'm not the best in the world (I E i suck) but they don't even try and i see some of the shit they put up on things and let me tell you only others of your kind would fucking care i mean god the whole colors numbers we are such great friends we are in love but we are gay but wait we are not know whole thing is just too much and the funny thing is what are the two biggest age gropes that are the ones you hate most teenagers and old people (like 60 and over) and they are also the ones that hate the other most two witch is good because if they got together well that would be the best time for a zombie attack.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

the Yogcast

the yogstcast is a group of people mostly two Simon and  Louis who make videos of them playing video games (mostly minecraft) and its came to me that they are the best of there trade on you tube now lets first talk about the two biggest other people who do what they do now X is ok but he is kinda bland and does not make a lot of mine craft videos he makes others true but i have not seem much or of any video i care to watch someone play.
Seanannders (don't know if that's spelled right) is ok and really gos at first but got to boring and was well too good at it like i n an action movie how the hero has to be good but not to good or we don't care also i have watch his none minecraft videos and they are bad really bad but the biggest reason i don't like him is not to be rude but he can be kinda doughy at times but lets talk about yogcast they are funny really funny make me laugh harder then a lot of really funny things i know simon and louis are so great together and you can't help but wonder how this is not from a script but i mind you its not funny long running jokes like i am a dwarf and i am digging a hole are great but some of there best work is from there yogpod you can get for free on itunes but don't hear it just anywhere people give me weird looks when i am laughing really hard at what seems to then nothing and in there minecraft stuff they have people build and act in there words doing great rp but some times they do costume maps witch are great as well and back to the action hero thing there not that good at them they are as good as most people maybe a bit better sometimes having to blow there way past a very hard puzzle witch really just makes it funnier ii could go on but let me just tell you to go look them up or just go to the link below.

the yogest youtube page

things that are not as girly/gay as most people think.

1.going shopping with girls:guys think about it you get closer to her you help her buy what you want her to (sexy stuff) and you see her try it on hows it that gay?
2:unicorns:guys its a horse with a fucking horn on its head to stab people that's fucking bad ass not girls.
more to come later....

Friday, April 8, 2011

i will not stand by you with what you just said

not there are some stuff in stand by me i liked cool move bad ending funny lines leech on your balls...ew but the worst thing is one line at the end one mother fucking line i really hate it it goes The Writer: [typing on computer] I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone? now i am am fine with I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. that's ok he knows it that's how he feels and its true as far as he sees it but Jesus does anybody sorry but who the fuck do you think you are as you might know i am 12 i have not bin for some time now but the friends i have now i did not meet when i was 12 i think maybe one but we were not really friends at all time a few years a go now the real thing i hate is that i had the best of times with the best of friends. AT 12! your fucking 12 you don't truly know what fucking is if that was the best friends you ever had at fuck 12 i know you look like a geeky writer but still man come the fuck on you know when you have half you like 40 there's 28 years you half there i know after 40 its unlikely you will half the best times of your life and the best friend but it can happen Jesus any? i bet more people then you have met have had there best friends ever at a later age or better yet maybe meet them at 12 but the best times they had/the times they were the best of friends was fucker after 12! so fuck you stand by me your movies pretty good your endings sad your song is nice your quote's are not bad but your god dame one fucking quote pissing me the fuck off!

if looks can kill

hey guys just so you know the whole woman like looks thing totally bullshit i mean sure they like looks but not even as much as i think we do altho think about how much we talk about them doing so i was in the subway and i saw this guy he was chating up at lest 4 girls and 3 guys all laughing all having a good time mostly because of this one man now not to sound mean or nothing he seemed like a great guy but he was no where near super hot or really hot or to me sorry but not even that hot i mean he looked nice and not in a bad way but he was kinda big and stuff but this is what i am saying... if he can get 4 girls and 3 guys wait for the next word he says then stop putting on the make up the hair jell or what else and make yourself the life of the party not the best smelling.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

will I am

"rockin' like this my job what"


can some one tell me what this means?
"If God does not exists, why do we exist? Because if we had not existed, no one would have created God."