why i'm doing this

this is a way i can get out my thoughts with out having to talk to people so a win win for everyone.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

never look in a mirror

 ever walk down the street thinking you look cool or walking along to a song only you can hear yeah don't look anywhere that tells you what you look like no matter how cool you feel you look like a dumb ass.

lesson it does not mater what other people think . it matters how you feel.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

witch is more of a mind fuck

now a lot of people talk about inception being a big mind fuck movie but really for people with a mind like mine its really not now source code is because in inception we went to a crazy weird place that is not the real world but what helps us feel fine there is it still has rules things they tell you(and man do they tell you) all kinda make sense and always stay the same unlike source code that changes with half an hour left giving us a mind fuck lasting to way after the credits have rolled and it would not have bin that way if they just call it something new that they did not know all about so at the end we can say yes they did not know about it and its stronger then they though but no they gave us something we can latch on to this world with and then yanked it out from under us with a big dick slap to the face. and that's why i don't like source code great idea crappy showmanship for an ending.

Friday, July 22, 2011

loving lupa

if you're a fan of the thatguywiththeglasses team as i am you may have heard about the weird love triangle surrounding lupa if not here's what i know it start with todd in the shadows with many of his reviews making jokes about how much he loves lupa being some of the funnest jokes in the episode and he himself has said that its just a joke although sometimes getting ready for the joke in the show is creepy and you can see why is a lot of the jokes but it did not get great till welshy showed up in his of killjoy finding a (not so) great pick out line and calling lupa to tell her but calling todd instead and the latest i have heard from this big old cross reviewer love for lupa ...thing is that maybe film brain in on here to with i think is great because he can bring a lot to the table like loving her as he did the critic (and i know how weird that sounds) but we don't know it could have bin a one off joke but down to the real stuff why lupawell before i get down to the real reason lets try looking at the other females of thatguywiththeglasses.com it could not have bin marz gurl because sorry but i would not see someone falling in love with her mostly because i am not a fan but i don't watch much of lupa either well theres nostalgia chick but shes kinda only for the top dog dough the only one i could see in jesu otaku and really that could have wrok but i don't want to sound mean but i think lupa have more of a feminine personalty while stull being strong and tell todd to fuck off but the real reason is todd just made the joke about for what what ever reason he did people like it and other joined in on the joke i don't really know how it happened ( maybe some from you interpreted on to me something over writ in or copied it is at this point irrelevant what matters in that it happened for a reason) all i want is it to keep coming.

Monday, July 18, 2011

act your age

okay heres what you ask when some dick bit tells you this one if this is something i should not be doing at my age then when? and why is this not for my age to do? like a parent scolds their kid for mooning some one and they say act your age hell hes being groan up i see college kids do that all the time and you know you'll never seen a parent tell there 9 year old boy to act his age and stop doing homework and play with friends or tell their 16 year old girl to act her age and go out with a guy her dad hates because when people say act your age they mean act the one i want you too they just put the age thing in to make you seem like the bad guy.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

guys can't be friends with girls

you all know this you can't really be friends because really you just want to date/fuck them well its kinda true how i see it is if you have two lady friends you can like one and be friends with the other. have not goten a chance to try it out tho.

Monday, June 27, 2011

weird al's 16th minute

have you seen weird al's new video perform this way its a spoof duh on born this way by lady ga ga now i think his time is up because one he puts his face on some girls (maybe ga ga's)  body while she dances it um really creepy. also its topical  its about how lady ga ga  is weird a lot and not only is that topical but its about the person who rote the real song sorry but i don't think eat it or white and nerdy (two of his best) were about anything to do with anything at the time or he artist who made the video and that was good it took the song and made some in a whole new place that had nothing to do with the first song not counting the video and beat.

lady's stop

why do women always seem to be the ones giving advice to woman about men sorry but i think the guy with  a dick would know more about it eh i mean maybe your best female friend but find a guy lady's you have guy friends right oh or better yet get a gay guy women love them and they can't help most they give and take so its like win win.